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Why Svelte Is Better Than React (And Should Be Used Going Forward)


In recent years, React has become one of the most popular and widely-used JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React has helped shape the way developers build and manage complex UIs. However, Svelte, a relatively new and lesser-known framework, is gaining traction for its radical new approach and various benefits over React. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Svelte is better than React and why developers should consider using it going forward.

Svelte: The Radical New Approach

React: The Virtual DOM

React's primary innovation is the introduction of the Virtual DOM, an in-memory representation of the actual DOM. The Virtual DOM allows React to compute the differences between the current and new UI states, and apply the necessary updates in a more efficient manner. This results in better rendering performance and more predictable UI state management.

Svelte: The Compiler

Svelte differs from React in its approach to building user interfaces. Instead of using a runtime library, Svelte acts as a compiler that converts components into highly optimized JavaScript code that directly manipulates the DOM. This approach leads to several benefits, such as:

  • Reduced bundle size: Since Svelte is a compiler and not a runtime library, the final output consists of only the necessary code, resulting in smaller bundles.
  • Faster initial render: Without the overhead of a virtual DOM, Svelte can render components more quickly, leading to better overall performance.

Performance Comparison

Rendering Performance

Svelte's approach of directly updating the DOM results in improved rendering performance. There is less overhead from managing a virtual DOM, which can lead to more efficient updates and a smoother user experience.

Memory Usage

Svelte applications typically have a lower memory footprint compared to React applications. With the elimination of the virtual DOM, Svelte can manage memory more effectively, leading to better overall performance, especially on resource-constrained devices.

Developer Experience

Simplicity and Clarity

Svelte's concise syntax and easy-to-understand component structure make it an attractive option for developers. A comparison of Svelte and React component code reveals that Svelte code is often more straightforward and easier to read.

Reactive Declarations

Svelte simplifies state management and reactivity with its built-in reactive declarations. This feature allows developers to write less boilerplate code compared to React's state management solutions, such as useState and useReducer.

Built-in Animation and Transition Support

Svelte has native support for animations and transitions, which makes it easy for developers to create engaging user experiences. Implementing animations in Svelte is generally more straightforward compared to using third-party libraries or custom solutions in React.

Ecosystem and Tooling

Sapper and SvelteKit

Sapper and SvelteKit are frameworks built on top of Svelte that provide additional functionality, such as server-side rendering, routing, and more. These frameworks can be compared to Next.js for React, offering a more complete solution for building modern web applications.

Smaller Community

While React boasts a larger community and ecosystem, there are advantages to Svelte's smaller, more focused community. Developers can benefit from faster response times on issues and stronger collaboration within the community.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

Maturity and Adoption

React has an established presence and wide adoption, whereas Svelte is still growing in popularity. However, there are many success stories of companies and projects that have successfully adopted Svelte, demonstrating its potential.

Job Market and Demand

Currently, there are more job opportunities for React developers than for Svelte developers. However, learning both technologies can give developers a competitive edge in the job market and provide more flexibility in choosing projects.


Svelte offers several advantages over React, including a simpler syntax, more efficient rendering performance, lower memory usage, and built-in support for animations and transitions. While React remains a popular and widely-used choice for building user interfaces, developers should consider exploring and adopting Svelte for its unique benefits and innovative approach.

Choosing the right framework depends on the specific needs and requirements of each project. Svelte's growing adoption and success stories demonstrate its potential to become a powerful alternative to React in the future. By learning both technologies, developers can ensure they are well-equipped to make the best decision for their projects and stay competitive in the job market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the main difference between Svelte and React?

The main difference between Svelte and React is their approach to building user interfaces. While React uses a virtual DOM and runtime library, Svelte is a compiler that generates optimized JavaScript code to directly manipulate the DOM.

Is Svelte faster than React?

Svelte typically has better rendering performance and lower memory usage compared to React. This is due to its compiler-based approach, which eliminates the overhead of a virtual DOM and results in more efficient updates.

Can I use existing React libraries and tools with Svelte?

While some React libraries and tools may be compatible with Svelte, others may require modifications or alternative solutions. The Svelte ecosystem is continuously growing, and many popular libraries and tools have Svelte-compatible versions or alternatives.

Is it worth learning Svelte if I already know React?

Yes, learning Svelte can be valuable even if you are already proficient in React. Gaining expertise in multiple frameworks expands your skillset and increases your flexibility in choosing projects. Additionally, understanding Svelte's unique approach can provide new insights into web development and user interface design.

Should I migrate my existing React project to Svelte?

The decision to migrate an existing React project to Svelte depends on your project's specific requirements and goals. If performance, bundle size, or developer experience are critical factors for your project, migrating to Svelte may be worth considering. However, it is essential to carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of such a migration, as it may involve significant time and effort.

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