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Top 5 Svelte Features That Will Change the Way You Code


Svelte is a modern, open-source JavaScript framework that is revolutionizing the way developers approach web development. By shifting the traditional work done during runtime to the build step, Svelte results in smaller, faster applications with less boilerplate code. To fully leverage the benefits of Svelte, it's crucial to understand its unique features and how they can change the way you code.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the top 5 Svelte features that can enhance your web development experience and help you create more efficient, maintainable applications.

1. Reactive Declarations and Assignments

One of the most powerful features of Svelte is its ability to handle reactive declarations and assignments. This allows developers to write reactive code with minimal effort and without the need for complex state management libraries.

Reactive Declarations

Reactive declarations in Svelte are marked with the $: syntax. This special syntax tells Svelte to automatically update the value of a variable whenever its dependencies change. This eliminates the need for manually tracking and updating values, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable code.

For example, consider a simple counter app that increments a value whenever a button is clicked:

  let count = 0;

  function increment() {
    count += 1;

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>Count: {count}</p>

If we wanted to display the square of the count value, we could use a reactive declaration like this:

  let count = 0;
  let square;

  function increment() {
    count += 1;

  $: square = count * count;

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<p>Square: {square}</p>

Now, whenever the value of count changes, Svelte will automatically update the value of square without any additional code.

Reactive Assignments

Svelte's reactivity doesn't stop at reactive declarations. The framework is also capable of updating variables when their dependencies change, even without the $: syntax. This is known as reactive assignment and can be particularly useful when working with derived values that need to be updated in response to changes in other variables.

To illustrate this, let's revisit the counter example. Instead of using a reactive declaration for the square variable, we can use a reactive assignment like this:

  let count = 0;
  let square = 0;

  function increment() {
    count += 1;
    square = count * count;

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<p>Square: {square}</p>

In this case, Svelte will still automatically update the value of square whenever its dependencies change, even without the $: syntax.

Comparing reactive assignments with other frameworks' approaches, such as React's useState or Vue's computed, Svelte's reactivity system is more straightforward and requires less boilerplate code.

2. Built-in Transitions and Animations

Svelte makes it easy to create visually engaging user interfaces with its built-in support for transitions and animations. With just a few lines of code, you can add smooth transitions and animations to your components that enhance the user experience.

Transition Directives

Svelte offers several transition directives, including in, out, and transition, which can be used to apply built-in or custom transitions to elements as they enter or leave the DOM. These directives are easy to use and require minimal configuration.

Here's a list of built-in transitions that Svelte provides out of the box:

  • fade: Fades elements in and out
  • slide: Slides elements in and out
  • scale: Scales elements in and out
  • draw: Draws SVG paths as they enter or leave the DOM

To use one of these transitions, simply import it from the svelte/transition module and apply it to an element using the appropriate directive. For example, to apply a fade transition to an element, you would do the following:

  import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';

<div in:fade>Content with a fade-in transition</div>

This will apply a fade-in transition to the element whenever it enters the DOM, making it appear more smoothly.

Custom Transitions and Animations

In addition to the built-in transitions, Svelte also makes it easy to create custom transitions and animations using the svelte/animate module. This module provides a tweened function that allows you to create smooth animations between values and a spring function for physics-based motion.

For example, to create a custom scaling transition, you could do the following:

  import { tweened } from 'svelte/animate';
  import { cubicOut } from 'svelte/easing';

  let scale = tweened(0, { duration: 300, easing: cubicOut });

<div style="transform: scale({$scale})">Content with a custom scale transition</div>

This will create a custom scaling transition that scales the element from 0 to 1 over 300 milliseconds using the cubicOut easing function.

With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can create rich, engaging user interfaces that stand out from the competition.

3. Component Scoped Styles

Svelte's approach to styling components is another feature that sets it apart from other frameworks. By using component scoped styles, Svelte ensures that styles applied to a component do not leak into other components, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable CSS.

Scoped Styles in Svelte

In Svelte, styles are scoped to the component by default. This means that any CSS you write inside a Svelte component's style tag will only apply to that specific component. This is beneficial because it prevents styles from unintentionally affecting other components, making it easier to manage and maintain your CSS.

For example, consider the following Svelte component:

  h1 {
    color: blue;

<h1>Component Title</h1>

The h1 style rule will only affect the h1 element inside this component, leaving other h1 elements in your application untouched. This ensures that your styles are encapsulated and do not interfere with other components.

Global Styles and Preprocessors

While component scoped styles are useful, there are times when you may want to apply global styles across your entire application. To do this in Svelte, you can simply add a style tag to your main app component or include an external CSS file in your HTML.

For example, to apply global styles using an external CSS file, add the following to your index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/global.css">

Svelte also supports CSS preprocessors like SCSS and LESS, allowing you to use variables, mixins, and other advanced features in your styles. To use a preprocessor, simply add the lang attribute to your style tag and configure your build system to handle the preprocessing.

For example, to use SCSS in a Svelte component, your style tag would look like this:

<style lang="scss">
  $primary-color: blue;

  h1 {
    color: $primary-color;

With these options for styling, Svelte provides a flexible and powerful system for managing styles in your application.

4. Svelte Stores

Svelte Stores provide an easy-to-use, built-in solution for managing global state across components. They are an important feature to understand when working with Svelte, as they offer a simple and efficient way to share data between components without the need for complex state management libraries.

Introduction to Svelte Stores

Svelte offers three types of stores: writable, readable, and derived. Each type of store serves a different purpose and can be used in various scenarios.

  • Writable stores: These stores are used for storing and updating mutable data. They provide a set method for updating the store's value and a subscribe method for listening to changes.
  • Readable stores: These stores are used for storing and exposing read-only data. They only provide a subscribe method for listening to changes, but no method for updating the value.
  • Derived stores: These stores are used for deriving new data based on one or more other stores. They automatically update whenever their source stores change, making them a powerful tool for working with reactive data.

To create a store, simply import the appropriate function from the svelte/store module and use it to create your store instance.

For example, to create a writable store:

import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

const count = writable(0);

Using Svelte Stores in Components

To use a store in a Svelte component, you can either use the $ syntax to access the store's value directly, or use the subscribe method to listen for changes and update a local variable.

For example, to display the value of a count store and update it when a button is clicked:

  import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

  const count = writable(0);

  function increment() {
    $count += 1;

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>Count: {$count}</p>

In this example, we're using the $ syntax to access the store's value directly and update it when the button is clicked. This makes it easy to work with store values without the need for additional boilerplate code.

Svelte Stores offer a simple and efficient solution for managing state in your applications, making it easy to share data between components and keep your code organized and maintainable.

5. Svelte Actions

Svelte Actions are a powerful feature that allows you to attach reusable functionality to elements within your components. They enable a more modular and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) approach to coding, making it easy to maintain and scale your projects.

Understanding Actions

Actions in Svelte are functions that get called when an element is created, updated, or destroyed. They provide a way to encapsulate functionality that can be easily attached to elements using the use directive.

Svelte has built-in actions such as use:action, use:action|modifiers, and use:action={options}. The use:action directive attaches an action to an element, while use:action|modifiers allows you to pass modifiers for additional behavior, and use:action={options} enables you to pass an options object to customize the action's behavior.

For example, consider a simple action that logs a message whenever an element is clicked:

function logOnClick(node) {
  function handleClick() {
    console.log('Element clicked');

  node.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

  return {
    destroy() {
      node.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);

To use this action in a Svelte component, you would do the following:

  import { logOnClick } from './logOnClick.js';

<button use:logOnClick>Click me</button>

This will attach the logOnClick action to the button, causing a message to be logged whenever the button is clicked.

Creating Custom Actions

Creating custom actions in Svelte is simple and allows for reusable functionality across components. To create a custom action, you need to define a function that accepts a DOM node as its argument, and optionally, an options object.

Inside the action function, you can perform any necessary setup, such as adding event listeners or applying styles. To clean up when the element is removed, you can return an object with a destroy method.

For example, let's create a custom action that applies a CSS class to an element when it's hovered over:

function hoverClass(node, { className }) {
  function handleMouseEnter() {

  function handleMouseLeave() {

  node.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
  node.addEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);

  return {
    destroy() {
      node.removeEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
      node.removeEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);

To use this custom action in a component:

  import { hoverClass } from './hoverClass.js';

  .hovered {
    background-color: yellow;

<div use:hoverClass={{ className: 'hovered' }}>Hover over me</div>

This will apply the hovered CSS class to the div element whenever it's hovered over, creating a simple hover effect without any additional JavaScript.

By understanding and leveraging Svelte Actions, you can create reusable code snippets that improve the maintainability and scalability of your web applications.


In this article, we've explored the top 5 Svelte features that can change the way you code:

  1. Reactive Declarations and Assignments
  2. Built-in Transitions and Animations
  3. Component Scoped Styles
  4. Svelte Stores
  5. Svelte Actions

By mastering these features, you can harness the full potential of Svelte and create more efficient, maintainable, and engaging web applications. We encourage you to explore and apply these features in your own projects, and experience firsthand the benefits they bring to web development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions related to Svelte and its features. These questions and answers will help clarify common concerns and provide additional insights into the framework.

How does Svelte compare to other frameworks like React and Vue?

Svelte differs from other frameworks like React and Vue in its approach to web development. While React and Vue rely on a virtual DOM to update the actual DOM, Svelte compiles components down to highly efficient JavaScript code that directly updates the DOM during the build step. This leads to smaller bundle sizes, faster rendering, and a simpler development experience.

Can I use Svelte with other frameworks or libraries?

Yes, you can use Svelte alongside other frameworks or libraries. For example, you can include a Svelte component in a React or Vue application, or vice versa. However, it's important to consider the potential trade-offs and complexities that may arise from mixing different frameworks.

Does Svelte support server-side rendering (SSR)?

Yes, Svelte supports server-side rendering through its Sapper and SvelteKit frameworks. Both frameworks provide a seamless SSR experience, enabling you to build fast, SEO-friendly applications with Svelte.

How do I handle routing in a Svelte application?

Svelte itself does not include a built-in routing solution. However, you can use external libraries like svelte-routing or svelte-spa-router to handle routing in your Svelte application. Alternatively, you can use the Sapper or SvelteKit frameworks, which include built-in routing solutions.

What is the learning curve for Svelte?

Svelte is designed to be easy to learn and use, with a syntax that closely resembles vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Developers with experience in web development should find Svelte's learning curve relatively gentle. Additionally, the official Svelte documentation and Svelte tutorial provide thorough guidance for getting started with the framework.

In conclusion, Svelte is a powerful, innovative framework that can greatly improve your web development experience. By understanding and utilizing its top features, you can build efficient, maintainable, and engaging applications that truly stand out. So go ahead, give Svelte a try, and see for yourself how it can change the way you code!

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