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Installing and Setting Up Bricks Builder in WordPress: Quick Guide


Bricks Builder is a powerful and versatile drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress that allows you to create stunning and fully customizable websites with ease. With its user-friendly interface and a vast array of design elements, you can create beautiful, responsive pages tailored to your specific needs without the need for any coding knowledge.

Some of the benefits of using Bricks Builder with WordPress include:

  • A visual drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the design process
  • A wide selection of pre-built elements and blocks to help you create unique layouts
  • The ability to create and modify templates and global styles for consistent branding
  • Seamless integration with WordPress, making it easy to manage your website's content

With that said, let's dive into the process of installing and setting up Bricks Builder in your WordPress website.

1. Installing Bricks Builder

Purchase and Download Bricks Builder

Before you can install Bricks Builder on your WordPress site, you'll need to purchase a license and download the plugin. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Visit the Bricks Builder website at
  2. Browse through the available plans and choose the one that best suits your needs. Bricks Builder offers a variety of pricing options, including a lifetime plan.
  3. Complete the purchase process by providing your payment details and creating an account.
  4. Once your purchase is complete, you'll receive an email with a link to download the Bricks Builder plugin as a zip file. Download the file to your computer.

Install the Plugin in WordPress

Now that you've downloaded the Bricks Builder plugin, it's time to install it on your WordPress site. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Click on the Choose File button and locate the Bricks Builder zip file you downloaded earlier. Select the file and click on the Open button.
  4. Click on the Install Now button to begin the installation process. WordPress will upload and unpack the zip file for you.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on the Activate Plugin button to enable Bricks Builder on your website.

2. Activating Bricks Builder License

Retrieve License Key

After installing the plugin, you'll need to activate your Bricks Builder license to unlock its full functionality. To do this, you'll need your license key. Follow these steps to retrieve it:

  1. Log in to your Bricks Builder account at
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the Account > License section.
  3. Your license key will be displayed on this page. Copy the key to your clipboard or note it down.

Activate License in WordPress

With your license key in hand, you can now activate your Bricks Builder license within your WordPress site. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Bricks > License.
  3. In the License Key field, paste or type in your Bricks Builder license key.
  4. Click on the Activate License button. If successful, you'll see a message confirming that your license has been activated.

Now that your Bricks Builder license is activated, you can start creating beautiful, custom pages for your WordPress website.

3. Creating a New Page with Bricks Builder

With Bricks Builder installed and activated, you can now create a new page using the powerful features of this page builder. Here's how to get started:

Select Bricks Builder for New Page

  1. In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Pages > Add New.
  2. Enter a title for your new page in the Title field at the top.
  3. Below the title field, you'll see a button labeled Edit with Bricks. Click on this button to launch the Bricks Builder interface for your new page.

Once you've clicked the Edit with Bricks button, you'll be directed to the Bricks Builder editing environment, where you can design and customize your page using its intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

4. Exploring the Bricks Builder Interface

Before you start designing your page, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the Bricks Builder interface. This section provides an overview of the interface's components and how they can be used to create your desired layout.

Canvas and Toolbar

The Bricks Builder interface is divided into two main areas: the canvas and the toolbar.

  • Canvas: The canvas is the large central area where you'll design your page by adding and arranging elements. You can click and drag elements onto the canvas, as well as resize and reposition them as needed.
  • Toolbar: The toolbar is located at the top of the screen and provides access to various tools and settings. Some of the key features include:
    • Add Element: This button allows you to browse and add elements to your page.
    • Undo/Redo: These buttons let you undo or redo your most recent actions, making it easy to experiment with different designs.
    • Responsive Modes: These icons allow you to switch between desktop, tablet, and mobile views, ensuring your design looks great on all devices.
    • Settings: This button provides access to page settings, such as title, URL slug, and featured image.

Elements and Blocks

Elements and blocks are the building blocks of your page design in Bricks Builder. Elements are individual components, such as text, images, or buttons, while blocks are pre-designed sections that combine multiple elements, like a hero section or a pricing table.

To add elements and blocks to your page:

  1. Click on the Add Element button in the toolbar.
  2. In the panel that appears, you can browse through the available elements and blocks. Use the search bar at the top to quickly find specific items.
  3. To add an element or block to your page, simply click on it and drag it onto the canvas. You can then resize and reposition it as needed.

You can also customize the appearance and behavior of elements and blocks by selecting them on the canvas and adjusting their settings in the sidebar that appears on the right side of the screen.

Templates and Global Styles

Bricks Builder includes a selection of pre-built templates that you can use as a starting point for your page design or to maintain consistency across your site. You can also create your own templates and save them for future use.

To access templates in Bricks Builder:

  1. Click on the Settings button in the toolbar.
  2. In the panel that appears, click on the Templates tab to browse and load available templates.

In addition to templates, Bricks Builder also supports global styles, which allow you to define and apply consistent styling across your entire website. This can be particularly helpful for maintaining a consistent brand identity and making site-wide design changes more efficiently.

To access and customize global styles:

  1. Click on the Settings button in the toolbar.
  2. In the panel that appears, click on the Global Styles tab to define and modify global styles for elements such as typography, colors, and spacing.

5. Customizing the Layout and Design

With a solid understanding of the Bricks Builder interface and its components, you can now focus on customizing your page's layout and design. This section provides tips on using rows, columns, and styling elements to create visually appealing and responsive designs.

Using Rows and Columns

Rows and columns are essential for organizing your content and creating a flexible layout in Bricks Builder. Here's how to work with them:

  1. Click on the Add Element button in the toolbar and search for the "Row" element. Drag it onto the canvas to create a new row.
  2. You can now add columns to your row by dragging elements directly into the row container. Bricks Builder will automatically create columns as you add elements, allowing you to adjust the column widths by dragging their edges.
  3. To create a more complex layout, you can nest rows within columns, giving you the flexibility to create multi-column designs within a single row.

Keep in mind that a responsive design is crucial for ensuring your website looks great on all devices. Use the responsive mode icons in the toolbar to preview and adjust your design for desktop, tablet, and mobile displays.

Styling Elements

Bricks Builder provides extensive options for customizing the appearance of elements on your page. By styling elements such as typography, colors, and spacing, you can create a visually appealing and consistent design. Here are some tips for styling elements:

  1. Typography: To customize text elements, select the text on the canvas and use the sidebar to adjust settings such as font family, size, weight, and line height. You can also apply global styles for typography to ensure consistent formatting across your site.
  2. Colors: Bricks Builder allows you to customize the colors of various elements, such as text, backgrounds, and borders. Use the color picker in the sidebar to select colors, or apply global color styles for consistency.
  3. Spacing: Proper spacing is crucial for a clean and easy-to-read design. Use the padding and margin settings in the sidebar to control the spacing around and between elements. You can also use the responsive mode icons to adjust spacing for different devices.

By paying attention to these design aspects, you can create a cohesive and professional-looking website.

6. Publishing and Editing Pages

Once you've finished customizing your page's layout and design, you'll need to preview, save, and publish your work. This section covers the steps for publishing your pages and making edits later on.

Preview and Publish

Before making your page live, it's a good idea to preview your design to ensure everything looks as expected. To do this, click on the Preview button in the toolbar. This will open a new browser tab displaying a live preview of your page.

If you're satisfied with your design, it's time to publish your page. Click on the Save button in the toolbar to save your changes, and then click on the Publish button to make your page live on your website.

Edit Existing Pages

To edit an existing page created with Bricks Builder, follow these steps:

  1. In the WordPress admin dashboard, go to Pages and locate the page you want to edit.
  2. Hover over the page title and click on the Edit with Bricks link that appears beneath it. This will open the page in the Bricks Builder interface.
  3. Make any desired changes to the page layout, design, or content.
  4. Click on the Save button in the toolbar to save your changes.

By following these steps, you can easily update and maintain your pages, ensuring your website stays fresh and up-to-date.


In this quick guide, we've covered the essentials of installing and setting up Bricks Builder in WordPress, including purchasing and downloading the plugin, activating your license, creating and editing pages, and customizing your layout and design using the powerful features of Bricks Builder.

With this foundation, you're well-equipped to explore and make the most of Bricks Builder's capabilities. By using this versatile page builder, you can create stunning, fully customizable, and responsive designs that will help your WordPress website stand out and engage your visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use Bricks Builder with my existing WordPress theme?

Yes, Bricks Builder is compatible with most WordPress themes. It works independently of your theme, allowing you to create and customize your site's pages using its drag-and-drop interface. However, it's always a good idea to test Bricks Builder with your specific theme to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

2. How do I import or export templates in Bricks Builder?

To import or export templates in Bricks Builder, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings button in the toolbar.
  2. In the panel that appears, click on the Templates tab.
  3. For exporting, click on the Export button next to the template you want to export. This will download a JSON file containing your template data.
  4. For importing, click on the Import button at the top of the Templates panel, then choose the JSON file containing the template data you'd like to import.

3. Can I use Bricks Builder to create custom post types and taxonomies?

Bricks Builder does not have built-in support for creating custom post types and taxonomies. However, you can use third-party plugins, such as Custom Post Type UI or Toolset Types, to create custom post types and taxonomies in WordPress. Once created, you can use Bricks Builder to design and customize the appearance of these custom post types on your website.

4. Can I use Bricks Builder with WooCommerce?

Yes, Bricks Builder is compatible with WooCommerce, the popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress. You can use Bricks Builder to create and customize your online store's pages, such as product pages, shop pages, and checkout pages. Additionally, Bricks Builder includes dedicated WooCommerce elements, such as product grids and add-to-cart buttons, to help you create a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

5. Is Bricks Builder compatible with popular WordPress plugins, such as Yoast SEO and WPML?

Bricks Builder is designed to work well with most popular WordPress plugins. However, compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugin and its features. It's always a good idea to test Bricks Builder with the plugins you plan to use on your site to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance.

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