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Global Styles in Full Site Editing: Revolutionize Your WordPress Design Process


Full Site Editing (FSE) is a game-changing feature introduced in WordPress 5.8 that allows users to design and manage every part of their website using the familiar Gutenberg block editor. This powerful tool not only simplifies the website building process but also grants developers and designers more control over the site's appearance and functionality.

One of the most significant innovations within FSE is the introduction of Global Styles. This feature is transforming the way designers approach website design, enabling them to create consistent, cohesive, and visually stunning sites with ease. In this article, we will explore what Global Styles are, how they differ from Local Styles, and how you can harness their power to revolutionize your WordPress design process.

Understanding Global Styles

What are Global Styles?

Global Styles are a set of design rules and configurations that apply to your entire WordPress site, creating a unified look and feel across all pages and elements. They allow you to define overarching design elements such as typography, colors, and layout settings, which are then automatically implemented throughout your site. This centralized approach to styling ensures consistent design elements across your website and streamlines the design process by reducing the need to adjust individual elements manually.

By using Global Styles, you can maintain a cohesive design language throughout your site, making it more visually appealing and user-friendly. Additionally, making changes to your site's design becomes easier, as alterations to Global Styles are reflected across all elements, saving you time and effort.

Global Styles vs. Local Styles

While Global Styles apply to your entire site, Local Styles are specific to individual elements or blocks within your site. Local Styles enable you to customize the appearance of a single element without affecting other instances of that element or the overall design of your site.

The key difference between Global and Local Styles lies in their scope. Global Styles provide a consistent design language across your entire site, while Local Styles allow for customization and variation within specific elements. In general, you should use Global Styles for overarching design elements that should remain consistent throughout your site, and use Local Styles for individual adjustments and unique design choices.

Understanding when to use each type of styling will enable you to create a more cohesive and well-structured website, while also granting you the flexibility to customize elements as needed.

Customizing Global Styles

Accessing Global Styles

To access Global Styles in the Full Site Editing interface, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance > Editor (Beta) in the left-hand menu. This will open the Full Site Editing interface.
  2. In the top left corner of the screen, click on the "W" logo to open the Site Editor's main menu.
  3. Click on the "Styles" tab to access the Global Styles panel.

The Global Styles panel is organized into categories such as Typography, Colors, and Layout. Each category offers a variety of settings that you can customize to achieve the desired look and feel for your site.

Typography and Text

Typography plays a critical role in your site's design, impacting both readability and overall aesthetics. Global Styles allow you to define default typography settings that will apply to your entire site, ensuring consistency across all text elements.

To customize global typography settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the Global Styles panel, click on the "Typography" category.
  2. Adjust settings such as font family, font size, and line height to your preference. You can also configure settings for specific text elements like headings and body text.

Keep in mind that it's essential to maintain readability and visual harmony when customizing typography settings. Choose font families that pair well together and are easy to read. Also, ensure that line heights and font sizes are consistent across different text elements.


Colors are a vital aspect of your site's design, as they help establish your brand identity and evoke specific emotions in your audience. Global Styles enables you to define a consistent color scheme across your entire site by customizing global color settings.

To customize global color settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the Global Styles panel, click on the "Colors" category.
  2. Configure settings such as background color, text color, and link color to align with your desired color scheme.

Additionally, consider using color palettes and presets to streamline the color selection process and maintain consistency. Color palettes allow you to define a set of colors that can be easily applied to various elements throughout your site. Presets, on the other hand, are predefined color combinations that can be used as a starting point for your color scheme.

By utilizing palettes and presets, you can reduce the time spent selecting colors and ensure a cohesive color scheme throughout your site.

Layout and Spacing

Global Styles also allows you to adjust the overall layout and spacing settings for your site, ensuring a consistent structure and optimal responsiveness across different devices.

To customize global layout and spacing settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the Global Styles panel, click on the "Layout" category.
  2. Configure settings such as container width, margins, and padding to achieve your desired layout and spacing.

When adjusting layout and spacing settings, keep in mind that consistency and responsiveness are crucial. Make sure your site looks great and functions well on various devices and screen sizes. Additionally, maintain a consistent structure throughout your site by using similar margins and padding for different elements.

Applying Global Styles to Blocks and Elements

Default Block Styles

Now that you have customized your Global Styles, it's essential to understand how these settings affect the default styles of individual blocks. By default, blocks inherit their styling from the Global Styles settings, ensuring a consistent look and feel across your site.

However, you may want to customize the default styles for specific blocks to achieve a unique design or to better align with your site's overall appearance. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the Full Site Editing interface, select the block you want to customize.
  2. In the Block Settings panel on the right side of the screen, navigate to the "Styles" tab.
  3. Adjust the block-specific settings, such as typography, colors, and layout, to override the default styling inherited from Global Styles.

Overriding Global Styles

There may be instances where you want to override Global Styles for individual elements or blocks. This can be useful when you need to create a unique design for a specific section or element, or when you want to emphasize a particular piece of content.

To override Global Styles for individual elements, follow these steps:

  1. In the Full Site Editing interface, select the element or block you want to customize.
  2. In the Block Settings panel on the right side of the screen, navigate to the "Styles" tab.
  3. Adjust the element-specific settings to override the Global Styles for that particular element.

When overriding Global Styles, it's essential to maintain design consistency and avoid creating jarring visual contrasts. Make sure your customizations still align with your site's overall design language, and use overrides sparingly to maintain a cohesive appearance.

Global Styles and Theme Development

Theme-Specific Global Styles

WordPress themes play a crucial role in determining the appearance and functionality of your site. Many themes come with pre-defined Global Styles that reflect the theme's design language, making it easy to create a consistent and professional-looking site.

When selecting a theme for your WordPress site, consider how its Global Styles align with your design vision and brand identity. You may need to customize the theme's Global Styles to better suit your needs, or you may find a theme that already includes Global Styles that match your desired aesthetic.

To customize theme-specific Global Styles, follow these steps:

  1. In the Full Site Editing interface, navigate to the Global Styles panel by clicking on the "W" logo in the top left corner and selecting the "Styles" tab.
  2. Browse the available theme-specific Global Styles settings and adjust them to align with your design vision.

Keep in mind that not all themes may offer customizable Global Styles settings. When selecting a theme, look for those that support Full Site Editing and provide the flexibility to modify Global Styles as needed.

Creating Custom Global Styles

For advanced users and developers, creating custom Global Styles can provide even greater control over your site's design. This can be achieved by utilizing the theme.json file, which allows you to define custom Global Styles settings and apply them to your site.

The theme.json file is a configuration file that can be used to define various aspects of your site, including Global Styles, default block settings, and custom CSS. By creating and customizing a theme.json file, you can define your own Global Styles settings that will be applied to your site, independent of the active theme.

To create custom Global Styles using theme.json, follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress theme folder, create a new file named theme.json.
  2. Open the theme.json file in a text editor and define your custom Global Styles settings using JSON format. You can find a comprehensive guide to the available settings and their syntax in the WordPress Theme Developer Handbook.
  3. Save the theme.json file and upload it to your theme folder on your WordPress site.

Creating custom Global Styles with theme.json can be beneficial for developers and designers who want complete control over their site's design or need to create custom solutions for specific projects. However, this approach requires a solid understanding of JSON syntax and WordPress theme development.


Global Styles in Full Site Editing have revolutionized the WordPress design process by providing a centralized approach to styling, ensuring consistent design elements across your entire site. By understanding how to customize and apply Global Styles, you can create visually stunning and cohesive sites with ease.

Embrace the power of Global Styles in your Full Site Editing projects, and watch as your design process becomes more streamlined, efficient, and effective. With Global Styles at your disposal, the possibilities for your WordPress site are limitless.

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